Tuesday, December 30, 2008

This is the beginning......

As the year comes to a close I now see myself reminiscing over the roller coaster of events that have taken place. The most joyous thing that could have happen, did. Blake and myself were blessed with a precious little boy that we named Brody Elijah Tanner....I know every one's shocked we didn't named him Jeff Jimmy Gordon Johnson, believe me Blake tried and I forcefully made sure that didn't happen. Brody was a healthy 7lbs. 5 oz. preemie boy that had to be delivered early only because I was in the early stages of pre-eclamsia. THANK GOODNESS he was early because I don't think I could handle having a massive baby come out of a tiny place! Can I please say c-section!?!? During the middle of the pregnancy Blake left Banister's Funeral Home due to differences of opinion, which allowed for him to venture out away from our small town to pursue his career in funeral services and also allowed him to spend more time with me during the complications we had with the pregnancy. I can honestly say I was grateful Blake left, not just because he wasn't appreciated there but because he got to really bond with Brody and me when we came home from the hospital. My personal opinion is that when a woman goes on maternity leave a man should be able to do the same with her. God continues to answer our prayers and we are truly grateful for all that he's done for us....Blake is now working in Royston at Pruitt Funeral Home and really likes the atmosphere and people he works with. He is not only appreciated for what he does, but is not constantly being used by someone. It's a little ways from home but we are so thankful that we are surrounded by such great people that treat us like family. Although the year was filled with many joyous events, including the pregnancy of my best friend Candace Wells and many other close friends, we have received horrible news that Blake's 82 year old grandfather has stage 4 brain cancer. This was a complete shock to everyone mainly because we found out around Thanksgiving. We spent Thanksgiving Day at North Fulton surrounded by some of the most generous nurses and doctors who allowed for us to celebrate down there. His grandfathers drive to live life to the fullest has amazed many of the doctors and nurses, I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that he's extremely stubborn and won't except no for an answer. Blake seems to have this trait too.....God help me! I can only hope that Brody has more characteristics like mine that of Blake's, this unfortunately doesn't seem to be happening though. We probably just should have named him Blake Jr. since everything about him is Blake. Looking over the past year I can definitely say the good events overrule the bad, like a roller coaster life if filled with low dips and high peaks.

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