Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Work and attitudes don't mix!!!!

I am all for peace and harmony but there are certain situations where war is needed.....this is one of them. One of the biggest reasons I love my job is because the atmosphere is pleasant and the people that work here are great. Working at a pediatrics office has shown me so many things with my personal life of being a mommy and my future career choice of pharmacuetical sales. It is unfortunate that certain people see it necessary to tear down all that we have accomplished as a group of people. Personally my opinion is to leave your attitude at the door!! A lot of work related issues I feel revolve largely around immaturity and the lack of happiness in the home. Sorry life isn't always going to be perfect but you manage and make the best out of the situation. A quite hilarious event happened this afternoon at work with a fellow co-worker....her attitude for the past couple weeks has been quite sour, no better yet her attitude has sucked. Her constant smarta** comments to a couple people and then to myself finally got to me when she stated she had a life to my polite question I asked her. I mean seriously was there any need to be rude???? Umm no! So me being a very opinionate person of course had to pop something back to her....I know be the bigger person but my inner childlike self got a hold of me. So I very confidently stated I have a life and walked off. I know it doesn't seem like much but it was a small victory for the ones of us that no matter how bad of a day we are having continue to be nice. My words of wisdom.....do unto others as you would have them do unto you!!

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