Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Special Little Girl

As a parent it is our job to not only love our children but protect them as well.

For the past year I have been following up on a little girl that has been battling terminal brain cancer for 2 of the 3 years of her life. The past month Sophia health has really started deteriorating, she's lost not only her sight but her hearing and ability to talk as well. The past week I have had her on my mind regularly. Nightly I get online to see if her parents or her Aunt Peggie have posted any news on Sophia and every night it seems that there is more saddening news about the sweet little girl. Today it finally got to me after I read possibly one of the last posts about Sophia, her mother, who it my eyes has got to be the strongest lady to have to deal with watching her first child slowly pass, wrote a letter letting everyone know that Sophia's having major troubles breathing and that the nurse informed the family that it will be just a few hours before Sophia passes. This unselfish mother is having to watch her little baby suffice to such a painful cancer while she holds her in her arms.

After reading this latest update on Sophia I decided to go back and read all the previous letters her mother had wrote about Sophia's decline, not in a single letter has she blamed God for this happening to her daughter. Not in a single letter has she taken for-granted the moments of sitting on the couch with Sophia watching tv, coloring or even sitting up with her on the nights she woke up in pain screaming because her head hurts. Not in a single letter did regret any of it.

It takes such a strong woman to be able to deal with the process of losing your child. I don't mean for it to seem that the father doesn't suffer along with the mother but the bond a mother a child have together is one that cannot be matched or compared.....ask any mother and they can tell you that. I thank God everyday that so far that Blake and I have been blessed with a healthy baby. I don't know if I could be as strong Sophia's mother has been if Brody was in the same situation.

Before I was a mom I never knew what it was to love someone so much that I would die for them. Yes, I love Blake as a spouse but the love that I have for Brody is one that is unconditional because he's half me.....he's got his daddy's looks mixed with my personality and dimples. I never really understood what my mother meant when she said she'd die for me, that she would rather herself hurt then for me to ever feel any pain. Once I had Brody I realized exactly what my mom was talking about when she told me just how much she loved me because I feel the same way now. I would endure all the pain in the world as long as my little man never has to feel what its like to deal with such a cruel disease as cancer.

Sophia's aunt said something the other day that really got to me, Sophia told her parents a couple months ago that she would be ok and for them not to worry. A 3 year old said this to her parents......whao! This little girl has more strength and courage in her little body than many grown adults will ever have in their entire life.

As Sophia's journey comes to the end and she finally gains her angel wings I want everyone to appreciate who and what you have in your life because you are not guaranteed today or tomorrow. Appreciate all you have and be thankful that your able to hold your loved ones.


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