Thursday, January 15, 2009

My frustrations

So I'm sitting here in you can tell I'm not paying much attention......playing on my laptop. Can I say THANK YOU to the person who invented laptops, without them I'm pretty sure there would be a lot of college drop outs. Seriously what would we do without Facebook, Myspace and any other website that keeps us occupied while we hear boring lectures. Today is definitely one of those laptop days for not only me but I'm pretty much so sure almost every girl in this class has her laptop up. Does the professor not realize that no one is paying attention? Is he really that wrapped up in his lecture he can't see that there are no eyes on him?

Since I'm not going to pay attention to him I'm just going to keep writing my blog so it seems like I'm taking notes from his "AMAZING" lecture.

College definitely hasn't changed after 5 years of being here. I kind of miss teaching myself like I did last semester when I was pregnant with Brody. The whole idea that I have to sit in a room with a bunch of other people listening to a professor go on and on about something that I will never use in my entire career really bores me. I can't wait til May when I will be completely done with college.....the $20,000 a year for 5 years , late nights studying and lack of time spent with my family will no longer be an issue!!! WOOHOO!!!

Other than college being a pain in my butt, work has started to become a bigger headache than a stress reliever. I love the idea of my job, but I've started disliking the environment that its in. For an instance, for the past couple weeks the type of workers that are employed at the office are really starting to differentiate: the workers and the space fillers. This issue has not only gotten worse as each day goes by but is completely out of hand. I'm the type of person who will help at any area I am need (i.e. insurance, nurse, bill, etc) which is how many of the employees are, but there are those "black sheep" that find it necessary to only help themselves or do nothing at all. This PISSES me off so bad!!!!! I've really tried not to say anything but its to the point now where I really can't control what I say. I don't feel like it is ok to do nothing and put your work on everyone else. I've prayed and prayed about the situation, but I feel that now the only way I can not be bothered about the situation is to leave, move on and find another job. Do I want to do this? NO! I just can't keep doing my job and having to re compensate for the things they didn't do.

Please pray for the office that things will be resolved!


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