Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sick Humor

Blake's at work, Brody's passed out and I'm sitting here.....bored. Oh what fun I'm having! OK so I'm the type of person who gets freaked out by the smallest thing.....I like the idea of watching scary movies but I'm too afraid to watch them, I love old houses but I'm terrified of knowing what was once in them, I like having me time but I hate being alone....does this make sense? NO!!! So here I am sitting in this old cabin basically by myself because I don't think a 3 month old really counts as having company especially since he's asleep. Blake's at work as usual which constantly takes all his time, he's an embalmer which that alone is a little odd. His sense of humor comes from the grotesque funeral home jokes.....people are just dying to come see him....haha not funny!!!! Recently he thought it was absolutely necessary to tell me the previous owners died in the cabin. HELLO!!!! Was that really important to a person who is scared of pretty much everything? I know there's nothing really wrong with this house and I know the creaky of the hardwood floors is due to the fact that its an older house but I can't help but get a little creeped out every time I hear something. The entire cabin is lit up like a Christmas tree and I'm sure Blake will kill me when he gets the power bill but oh well. I'm alone in a cabin in the woods with my little baby boy what else can he expect....right? Please pray for me that I don't scare myself to death:)

1 comment:

  1. I'm scared of my shadow too Fred!! You're definately not alone. See ya tomorrow!!
