Monday, January 5, 2009

Why rush????

I've come to realize that God has blessed me with an amazing other half. I will admit we have had our ups and downs, our fights, and our make-ups but isn't that what makes loving someone so wonderful? Our relationship hasn't been storybook ideal, especially since we were surprised to find out Brody was on the way....don't get me wrong I wouldn't take a bit of it back. I guess what really kind of bugs me is how fast people rush into things: careers, marriage, expanding families, etc. I admit when I found out I was pregnant a million things ran through my mind and most of them were pretty selfish ideas, but one thing that didn't worry me was marriage. YES, I love Blake with all my heart and yes I will marry day, but I was not about to push him into such a huge commitment if both of us wasn't ready. We both feel that marriage is something you only do once and if that means you have to constantly work on keeping the relationship strong you do so. After almost 3 years you'd think I know him pretty good, but everyday I learn something new about him....something that makes me fall more in love with him. By having a child I have come to appreciate what he does for me and the things he gives me........BRODY.

I was on the phone this afternoon with someone I'm really close to listening to her problems she's having with her boyfriend of 5 years. Hearing some of the things he does and says to her makes me so extremely mad. I mean seriously is there really any need to be so degrading to another human being? NO!!!! It has taken her 5 years to realize that this guy isn't good enough for her and that she deserves so much better than him. Hearing situations like this one really makes me not only grateful to have Blake but also makes me want to be completely certain about the next big step....marriage. With the divorce rate being so high, I feel that it is vital to truly know your significant other before you make such a huge commitment.

I know that when Blake and I finally do get married I will not only be marrying my best friend but the one person who knows me completely just as well as I know them.

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